Growing up with un-diagnosed ADHD and not knowing it caused me some childhood trauma. I was re-diagnosed a 2nd time by our pre-marriage therapist but even...
Have you ever felt as if there was more to life than what you're experiencing? Join The Black Conference Call on Episode 18 where April Nicole discusses how she's living life on her own terms and how you can too. …
Not making enough money at your 9-5 but you like it and don't want to leave? Inflation has caused the cost of living to go up so I am I'm discussing 7 ways to increase your income without becoming an …
Remember to TAKE A BREAK sometimes. It's okay and your mind and body will thank you for it! I'll be back next week! Join the Tribe by sugning up at Join me on (Use Promo Code thebbcp at checkout for …
Sometimes is can be hard to stay positive and be kind to yourself when you're going through tough times. Having good friends to remind you when you're slipping is a MUST, along with healthy coping. Tune into Episode 15 of …
How To Balance Financial Goals And Family Life? Are you having trouble finding balance between family and achieving financial success? This listener needs help deciding. Should she work from home or be a Stay-At-Home Mom? Connect with me: (Use...
Tired of struggling with your finances? It's time to get out of your own way and start taking control! Learning how to say no, learn basic budgeting skills, and the value of delayed gratification are key to achieving financial success. …
It can be really hard seeing someone you have feelings for in a professional setting when it's off-limits. It's normal to be afraid to take that leap of faith in a relationship and risk losing it all. Join me on …
Is your 9 to 5 getting in the way of you running your side business? Don't have enough time to make a successful side business? Worried about missing out on family time? I've got you covered! Join me on episode …
Have you ever felt violated at work? In this week’s episode of The Black Conference Call, we discussed a real-life listener’s story about her male coworker stealing her breast milk from the break room refrigerator. Listen now to find out …
Neurodivergent | ADHD Edition | My Story
A Letter From A Listener
Ten Things To Do Just In Case I Am Laid Off