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The Black Conference Call

The Black Conference Call

Welcome to The Black Conference Call

Recent Episodes

Dec. 13, 2023

EP #19 My Undiagnosed ADHD Trauma | My Healing Journey

Growing up with un-diagnosed ADHD and not knowing it caused me some childhood trauma. I was re-diagnosed a 2nd time by our pre-marriage therapist but even...
Dec. 12, 2023

Ep #20 How To Release The Labels That No Longer Serve You

Hey Caller It's been a while but I'm back. On today's call, I am discussing how to release the labels that society has placed on you that no longer serve you. How? By using your spirit, mind, and body.
May 8, 2023

Ep #18 Live Life On Your Own Terms

Have you ever felt as if there was more to life than what you're experiencing? Join The Black Conference Call on Episode 18 where April Nicole discusses how she's living life on her own terms and how you can too.  Join my Bl…
April 19, 2023

Ep #17 You Like Your Job But They Don't Pay Enough

Not making enough money at your 9-5 but you like it and don't want to leave?  Inflation has caused the cost of living to go up so I am I'm discussing 7 ways to increase your income without becoming an entrepreneur or changin…
April 15, 2023

Ep #16 Why There's No Regular Episode This Week

Remember to TAKE A BREAK sometimes. It's okay and your mind and body will thank you for it! I'll be back next week! Join the Tribe by sugning up at Join me on (Use Promo Code thebbcp at checkout for 15% off your purchase)…
April 7, 2023

Ep # 15 Speak Love Into Your Life Situations | The Power Of Your Words

Sometimes is can be hard to stay positive and be kind to yourself when you're going through tough times. Having good friends to remind you when you're slipping is a MUST, along with healthy coping. Tune into Episode 15 of t…

Recent Blog Posts

Dec. 23, 2023

Embracing the Winter Solstice: Holistic Strategies for Wellness and R…

The Winter Solstice just happened on December 21st. And its unique characteristics and symbolism made me think of several themes that can be related to releasing ADHD from your existence, using a wholistic wellness approach. Growing up I always lov…

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Dec. 17, 2023

Empowerment in ADHD: Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Wellness for Bla…

In a world quick to label and slow to understand, black women with ADHD often face a unique set of challenges. This blog post delves into how these strong, resilient women can transcend these labels, finding empowerment in their spirit, …

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Dec. 17, 2023

Empowerment in ADHD: Spiritual, Mental, and Physical Wellness for Bla…

In a world quick to label and slow to understand, black women with ADHD often face a unique set of challenges. This blog post delves into how these strong, resilient women can transcend these labels, finding empowerment in their spirit, …

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